Saturday, May 21, 2011

Alahai beruang comel menari

Comel kan! hee~

곰 세 마리

곰세마리가 한집에있어
아빠곰 엄마곰 애기곰
아빠곰은 뚱뚱해
엄마곰은 날씬해
애기곰은 너무귀여워
히쭉히쭉 잘한다

곰세마리가 한집에있어
아빠곰 엄마곰 애기곰
아빠곰은 뚱뚱해
엄마곰은 날씬해
애기곰은 너무귀여워
히쭉히쭉 잘한다

Korang paham ke? hehe. Ni aku bagi translation.

Once there were three bears
who lived in a cottage
Papa Bear
Mama Bear
Baby Bear
Papa Bear was chubby and fat
Mama Bear was slender and tall
Baby Bear was the cutest one of all
That's because he was so small


Cikbeyla Nabiella said...

alolo, comel je! :D

si lesung pipit said...

biela: comel kan. :)

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